Fees and Funding

Level 1 and 2
Our Level 1 and 2 courses are government-funded subject to learner eligibility and changes in government funding. We will confirm eligibility upon receiving your application and will state the reasons why if we are unable to fund you.
Please refer to the ‘Important Information’ tab on the page of the course you wish to apply for, for additional criteria to consider.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Level 3
We are currently unable to subsidise Level 3 Courses and these do have a cost of £400 each. You may, however, be eligible for a fee waiver if you meet certain eligibility criteria. If you are 19 years or over you can apply for an Advanced Learning Loan – please click here for more information.
From the 1st April 2021, government funding is changing and we will be able to provide some of our level 3 courses free of charge, dependent on eligibility criteria. Please contact us to find out more information.
If you have any other questions please contact us on 01472 347408 or email us at [email protected] and we will be able to discuss course availability and give you more information.
Some courses may have additional costs to cover materials. Any equipment or material costs will be drawn to your attention at the time of enrolment and we make every attempt to keep additional costs down; in most cases, there is no extra charge.
Advanced Learner Loans (19+)
What is the Advanced Learner Loan
The Advanced Learner Loan is a non-means-tested or credit-checked helping hand, offered by the Government. It is available to anyone over 24 years who wants to study for a Level 3 or above qualification such as a National Certificate or Diploma, or a higher or advanced apprenticeship. It is also available to people aged 19 and over who already hold a level 3 qualification. Most courses are eligible for loans, please check eligibility before enrolling if you want to take out the loan.
Can anyone apply?
Yes, to be eligible for an Advanced Learner Loan, you must be: At an approved college or training provider in England. Aged 19 or older on the first day of your approved course. Currently living in the UK and have been living in the UK three years before starting your course.
How does the loan work?
You only need to apply once per course, so if, for example, your course is longer than one year, you don’t need to apply separately for each year but you do need to remember you can’t apply for another loan to repeat the same level of course in the same subject area.
How do you pay it back?
You won’t pay back your loan until you’re earning over £25,000 per year and then you’ll only pay back 9% of earnings above £25,000. This means if you earn £27,000 per year you would only pay back 9% on £2,000. That equates to only £15 a month
How do I apply for a loan?
It’s easy to apply for a loan, you can apply online .
You’ll need a National Insurance Number before any money can be paid to the college or training organisation on your behalf and you’ll need some form of identification to apply, e.g. passport or birth certificate. You need particular information about your course which you can ask the college for on a ‘Learning and Funding Information Letter’.
Our UK Provider Number is: 10007938
Support for 19+
Advice and guidance on courses, internal and external progression, student finance, travel etc can be delivered from our team of Advisors.
Appointments can be booked by email via:
- [email protected] or call 01472 311222 extension 311 or 217
- [email protected] or call 01472 311222 extension 472
- [email protected] or call 01472 311222 extension 472
Talk to Us
Interested in one of our distance learning courses? Just pick up the phone to chat with a member of our team.
Email Us
Sometimes you need a little help, contact one of our support team. Don’t worry… we’re here for you.